Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Finding Our True North

How do we uncover our true purpose in life? How can we tell for sure, that we are right where we’re meant to be… doing what we’re supposed to be doing? And how do we know that we KNOW… that we're on track to be the best that we can be for ourselves and others?
Having grappled with these questions for years, and recognizing them as top-of-mind for the everyday people I come in contact with… makes it a fitting focus for this blog.
I have spent a lot of time trying to figure it out: gleaning from the experiences of life mentors, studying the lifestyles of those labeled  ‘admirable’, dissecting the strategies of those deemed ‘successful’... I could go on and on. I have come to the conclusion that while there may not be one formula per se, there appears to be at least one proven method to the madness! 
By asking myself some basic and rather candid questions, I have uncovered a great deal about myself, have made some revealing connections between my past, present and future realities and ultimately, have garnered a measure of respect and confidence in who I am. 
Today, I am better positioned to focus and energize myself in the areas that matter the most to me.
What are these illusive questions you might ask?
My Gift -  What am I good at?  What are my innate talents? Where is my power? 
My Joy - What energizes me and makes me happy? What gives my life meaning and true fulfillment?
My Passion - Who am I? What comes naturally to me? What would I do forever - for FREE?
Ultimately - Am I effectively engaging my gifts, my joys and my passions for good?
We all have the potential to accomplish something great.  The simple question is -- HOW DO WE KNOW WHAT THAT THING IS? And once we figure it out,  HOW DO WE MAKE IT HAPPEN? 
Let’s travel the course of self-discovery together. Get in on the conversations as we explore the journeys of others that have succeeded in figuring how to be best that they can be. 
Subscribe to the MúkamiTV Channel TODAY and stay informed on exciting developments leading up to the big launch!
Blessings and best!

Saturday, September 18, 2010


September 18, 2010. Washington DC. 
It’s been a long time coming... but finally, here I am crafting my inaugural entry.  And so I begin with a proclamation: I DESIRE TO DO MORE WITH THIS LIFE FOR OTHERS. 
I would be willing to bet that if you were in the mood for self-disclosure, you would confess the same.  That since you can remember, it’s been an earnest prayer that God, the universe, the powers that be (whatever you call the higher existence) would use you in some way for the greater good.  
This shared desire to make a positive difference has propelled me to explore the meaning and purpose of my life experiences.  Through the performing arts, media, a career in the corporate arena, marriage, motherhood and during the course of my relationships,  I have evaluated struggles and failures, scrutinized quirks and idiosyncrasies, mulled over dreams, challenges and opportunities; all in the search for hope and understanding of how to be a better person.  
This has also been the driving force behind my celebrations of accomplishment, and expressions of gratitude for grace, mercy and kindness - factors that have afforded me the gifts of freedom, laughter and love, and allowed me insight into all that is beautiful and worthwhile.  
As I ponder the ‘What if’, ‘Why’ and ‘How’ questions of this journey - increasingly I am convinced that every leg - purposed or otherwise; every experience - good, bad or in-between; every relationship - divine or brokered, occurs for reasons so much bigger than self. I am humbled by the realization that our individual life story is indeed our greatest value proposition and potential gift to the world. When spoken out loud; when told in perspective, these stories have the power to do so much good for the individual, the community and the overall state of humanity.
This is my truth - that our voices are powerful instruments of influence and change - and I choose to use mine to amplify the concerns, the desires, the interests and the heart of our humanity. Particularly so as it relates to women and girls all over the world, who strive, everyday, to be the best that they can be.
These are the fundamentals of the MúkamiTV philosophy - telling stories of ordinary people like you and me, doing extraordinary things. Putting a spotlight on everyday, socially and globally relevant issues. Giving a voice to diverse perspectives. Celebrating the ins and outs...ups and downs of life.
I invite you to join me on this journey.
Let’s rethink how we engage with life for entertainment, education and information. Let’s laugh, cry, debate, empathize, resolve and build together. Let’s harness the power of our life stories to inspire, empower and transform! 
Subscribe to the MúkamiTV Channel TODAY to stay tuned for information on the upcoming launch!
Blessings and best!